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My name is Shayam Utting, 9163, and I am in group 1 with Amber Mota, 9114, and Alistair Price, 9137.

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Friday 16 January 2015

R&P Post 2: Our target audience

We split our target audience into three categories; primary, secondary and tertiary.

Examples of our TA
Our primary audience is neo-noir fans, both men and women between the ages of 15 to 30.

The certificate of our film is a 15 as this was common with other noir-style and crime films such as 'Lucy', which was a 15 due to strong, bloody violence, and ' The Place Beyond the Pines', which contains drug-use, violence and strong language. The neo-noir genre will appeal especially to young adults as they will relate to the technological, modern aspect and enjoy the suspense and mystery that typically accompanies a crime film. We thought our film would target both genders as we will include action which predominantly attract a more male audience but as our main character is a strong, confident female it will be appealing to females.

Our secondary audience will be crime-drama and action fans and audiences of over 30. 'Man of Steel' had a male viewing of 68% which implies that the action aspect will appeal more to men. We also found out that people around the age of 30+ tend to enjoy crime dramas a lot so this is why they are our secondary audience. 'Dead man down' is an action/crime film based around a women who seduces men in order to get what she wants. This film appealed to both audiences despite being mainly an action film so we think our film can do the same. We also think older audiences will enjoy our film as they will relate to noir film as it was very popular in the 60s, 70s and 80s.

Our tertiary audience will be fans of the romance genre as our female protagonist slowly falls in love with another man and the end of our film will be romantic. 'The Place Beyond the Pines' also has romance as a sub-genre of crime and this broadened their audience appeal. Our film will also appeal to couples as the film is based around a women who has married (and killed) her husband. 

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