Introduction to me

My name is Shayam Utting, 9163, and I am in group 1 with Amber Mota, 9114, and Alistair Price, 9137.

To navigate your way around my blog, please use the labels below; A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation.

'Trip Switch' by Come What May

The outside of our album cover

The outside of our album cover
Front of Our Digipak


The Inside of Our Digipak
Our website, please click on it to access.

Saturday 24 January 2015

R&P Post 4: Representation of social groups in our opening sequence

The social group we have chosen to represent are women in their early 20s.

Bridget Gregory's outfit inspired
our femme fatale's outfit. 
- Our main character is young, fashionable and seen as being very current and modern. She can use technology easily and is well-dressed and has done her make-up well. In 'Beyond a Reasonable Doubt' the first shot in the opening is a close-up on a woman who is wearing red lipstick and has lovely blue earrings on.
Angelina Jolie,
'Tomb Raider' - typical
representation of how we
wanted to portray our character.
-She is also fairly wealthy, middle class, connoted by her expensive-looking earrings, she lives in a nice house and owns an iPad. In the dialogue she will also speak with a slightly posh accent. Scarlett Johansson played a femme fatale in 'Lucy' and her voice was very seductive and slightly husky.
- Our opening sequence will be very fast-paced like in 'Seven' and 'Kiss Me Deadly' which use the pace effectively to create a sense of danger and mystery.

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