Introduction to me

My name is Shayam Utting, 9163, and I am in group 1 with Amber Mota, 9114, and Alistair Price, 9137.

To navigate your way around my blog, please use the labels below; A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation.

'Trip Switch' by Come What May

The outside of our album cover

The outside of our album cover
Front of Our Digipak


The Inside of Our Digipak
Our website, please click on it to access.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

R&P Post 21: My Key Shots Storyboard

We decided to break down our ideas further into specific key shots for each section as the timeline will be very useful for keeping track of timings and shots but we decided we would like a visual representation of our music video.

I created the story board using paper and post-it notes and decided to colour-coordinate the shot types.

To the left is a picture I took of the first section of our story board, it begins with a long shot of the band members walking on to the set on the rooftop and cuts to a mid shot of Luke singing.
Myself working on the

We also included extreme close-ups of Luke's eyes and pans to add more movement and for dramatic effect.

I found this incredibly helpful to create as I was able to visualise the variety we had in shot types and make sure we had a wide enough range of close-ups/mid shots and long shots. This also made creating a shootboard a lot easier as we were able to refer to the storyboard and when we edit our test shoot we will have a clear idea of what we should be doing.

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