Introduction to me

My name is Shayam Utting, 9163, and I am in group 1 with Amber Mota, 9114, and Alistair Price, 9137.

To navigate your way around my blog, please use the labels below; A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation.

'Trip Switch' by Come What May

The outside of our album cover

The outside of our album cover
Front of Our Digipak


The Inside of Our Digipak
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Tuesday 1 December 2015

R&P Post 26: Set Design, Locations and Props

Our music video was set in two different locations to create a contrast between our conceptual element and performance - in our school's studio and on a rooftop of Tapestry in Soho.

Our Studio:

The studio was ideal for our idea as we were easily able to use the cyclorama to create an infinite white background however as the studio has built-in lighting I was able to experiment with the different colours and intensity. Below is a video I created of me trying out different types of lighting.

We also created a set design for the studio so that we were all clear as to what we were doing and

where everything needed to be. This was very helpful as we also used floor lights to light the paper so that it did not look animated and to get rid of any shadows that the piles of paper created.

After having watched The Correspondant's music video - What's happened to Soho? I really liked the idea of an infinite white background and thought that this created an eerie, unusual effect typical of a rock music video, often created in an unusual settings such as The Killers music video When You Were Young, set in a desert.

 The Rooftop:

I followed Blumer and Katz's uses and gratification theory when considering shooting on a rooftop in central London as it will as it helps create personal identity for those from the region and allows diversion for those who want an escape from where they are living as they will experience London at night through our music video.

Our rooftop setting will probably be more difficult to achieve our desired effect so we have drawn a detailed plan for where we would like to position our lights in respect to each of the band members.

The rooftop will create a very glamorous, plush image of our band so we will probably change it to black and white in post-production but an urban, industrialised setting is common of the rock genre so this location is great. Director Darcy Fray created 'Goodbye L.A.' by Raegan Browne on a rooftop, shown to the right.


We divided our prop list into what was required for our two different settings.

For the rooftop we will need..
- A drum kit and drumsticks
- A mic stand
- Two electric gutars
- Paper
- Fairy lights

For the studio we will need..
- Desk
- Chair
- Piles of paper
- Laptop
- Fairy lights

Amber and I went around most lunch times collecting paper for our music video and eventually managed to create 6 piles however in post-production we will edit it to look like there is more and of different heights.

I was in charge of finding fairy lights so I looked on Amazon but we decided it would be cheaper and easier to use ones we already owned.

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