Introduction to me

My name is Shayam Utting, 9163, and I am in group 1 with Amber Mota, 9114, and Alistair Price, 9137.

To navigate your way around my blog, please use the labels below; A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation.

'Trip Switch' by Come What May

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Tuesday 8 September 2015

R & P Post 2: What does music mean to you?

Music is, and has always been, very significant in my life. I listen to it from when I wake up and am getting ready to just before I go to sleep.

This song is from my childhood as it was one of my favourite songs when I was younger. My dad would play it on repeat in the car and I rememeber singing a duet with him - particularly the 'mama mia, mama mia' bit. This song was incredibly popular when I was younger and I remember in primairy school we even did a dance to it and performed it in a theatre.

I adored this song when I went through my pop-punk phase and I even saw her perform this song live at a concert with my best friend so this song has a lot of sentimental value for me as that was one of the best experiences of my life so far. Avril Lavigne was particularly influential when I was 12/13 as she was a big role model of mine as she wasn't like the cliche pop singers who would sing about love and reveal a lot of their bodies, she was a lot more down-to-earth and relatable.

This song is very upbeat and catchy and never fails to put me in a good mood. I find the lyrics very relatable and associate many good memories with this song.

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