Introduction to me

My name is Shayam Utting, 9163, and I am in group 1 with Amber Mota, 9114, and Alistair Price, 9137.

To navigate your way around my blog, please use the labels below; A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation.

'Trip Switch' by Come What May

The outside of our album cover

The outside of our album cover
Front of Our Digipak


The Inside of Our Digipak
Our website, please click on it to access.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

We used our uses and gratification theory to help us find ways to attract and address our audience.

Audience Feedback:

We created a survey to get some audience feedback on our narrative, effectiveness and find out how they reacted to our opening. Majority of the people who took our survey were from our chosen target audience of 15-24 years of age.

More females watched our opening than males which is what we expected as our opening was slightly skewed to females.

We also asked whether they would want to watch the rest of the film, to which most of the people said yes. Only one person said no and when asked why their given reason was because it was 'too slow' which we think is referring to the pace.

We decided to ask for some more detailed feedback and asked whether they understood the plot to which almost every answer said yes. To improve our opening we asked if they had any criticism, the answers are below. A reoccurring answer seemed to be that the dialogue seemed to staged and unrealistic, we also could of had a clearer plot line.

Below is a video of some people I interviewed and their reactions to our opening. I interviewed both genders with ages ranging from 13-17.


A trend that I found with the responses was that most of the people I asked enjoyed the opening but the males could not relate to our character very well. The other media students suggested we played around with editing and lighting more. They all said that they liked the plot and thought the opening was interesting. I agree with this as I think we should have played around more with the lighting and style of editing however I am pleased that out target audience enjoyed the opening.

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